
What To Do To Get More Likes On Instagram


Instagram is a photo-sharing app that people are going gaga about. There would not be a lot of young people who’d raise their hands if asked “who doesn’t use Instagram?”. Instagram has become the most popular social networking app. Instagram works by posting pictures and adding hashtags to make the picture that’s uploaded more visible. If you want to know how to get more likes on Instagram, here are a few things you should do.

  1. High quality images

When we talk about Instagram, the next word associated with it is pictures. With so much of emphasis on the pictures, there’s no way you can mess with the quality standards of photos. The photos that you upload should have the attractive element that makes people want to like it. A good quality picture is the first and the most basic requirement if you want to increase the number of likes on your pictures.

  1. Tag influential people and brands

It is a good idea to tag people and brands related to the kind of picture you have uploaded. When you tag these people and brands on your pictures, they get notified. Your picture also gets added in their “tagged” section, which again increases visibility of your pictures. This in turn creates more chances of people looking at your pictures and hitting like.

  1. Follow more people

A lot of times, the social networking site relationships work as a give and take relationship. When you start following a number of people and actively like their pictures, you get likes in return. To begin with, this is a nice way of gathering a bunch of audience for your profile and get enough likes.

  1. Tag the location

When you are about to upload a picture, you might have noticed that the location is suggested below the picture. When you set a general location, like the locality instead of the name of a café or store, you get more visits on your profile. Likewise, this can also help you get more likes.

  1. Use hashtags

Hashtags help you spread the visibility of the picture you have uploaded. For instance, if you upload a picture of a cake, use hashtags like food, cake, dessert, sweet, etc. When you use such tags, people who are searching for those tags or are following related accounts will be able to see your post in the “discover” section. This will help you get more likes on your picture.

  1. Be regular

In order to be noticed and be recognized by people who follow you on Instagram, you have to be regular at posting pictures. Set a regular interval at which you upload pictures. That way, you establish a connection with people and show up on their Instagram homepage regularly.

This is the answer to how to get more likes on Instagram. With the help of these simple steps, you can increase the number of likes on Instagram to a great extent.

Dylan Adam
I'm Dylan Adam, the editor, and writer of Best Articles. I am a self-taught freelance writer who loves to share informative articles through this platform.

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